Monday, March 18, 2013


       This video shows water sticking in a straw when the top is covered, and then falling out when it is uncovered. This demonstrates not only cohesion, but adhesion s well. The water molecules stick to each other and to the straw's surface to remain within the straw. When pressure is released, the water falls.



        This is a video of the wind blowing. The wind is an example of a pollinator. Pollen can blow from one plant to another very easily, though this is not near as efficient as if a bee or some other insect were pollinating.


       This corn cob is a perfect example of endosperm. Endosperm is the material within seeds of most plants. The inside of the kernels are just that. Most flowering plants produce seeds with endosperms. 


       This picture of my family is an example of a population. Population is the number of organisms of the same group or species in a given area. My family is the population of my house, which in numbers is four.

Different Alleles

       This picture of my mom and dad is also evidence that there are different alleles. My dad has much darker skin than my mom which by itself really proves nothing, but when you consider how many different skin colors are possible, this really is proof that there must be different alleles controlling skin color.

Different Alleles

       This picture, while extremely beautiful if I may say so myself, is an example of different alleles. This flower is both pink and white, showing that there must be multiple alleles controlling the color in this particular plant specimen.


       This plant is a eukaryote. A eukaryote is a multicellular organism. The vast majority of organisms on this planet are eukaryotes; everything from plants to bugs and fish to humans. Eukaryotes evolved from the simpler, unicellular, prokaryotes.

Territorial Behavior

       This picture is an example of territorial behavior. My dog got a little upset the chair encroached on her space, so she started biting it. You can tell she is upset by the way the fur sticks up on her back.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Introduced Species

       This tomato plant is a perfect example of an introduced species. An introduced species is a species that is not native to an area, but has been brought there by some means. Tomatoes are native to the Andes but now are prevalent throughout the world.


       These mushrooms are an example of a detrivore. A detrivore is an organism that feeds on minerals and other things from other organisms that are breaking down in the soil. Worms feed in this way as well.

Climax Community

       This is some open space near my house. It is an example of a climax community because it has its own type of vegetation, and nothing has really been added or lost over the past few years.

Biome 4

       This is my backyard. This is definitely an example of a biome because it has unique soil and vegetation  and also unique weather. It is often warmer here than elsewhere and it also does not get very windy.


       Soy beans are an excellent example of a genetically modified organism. Soy bean plants have been modified to be resistant to Round Up weed killer so that farmers can spray all of their crops for weeds, but they won't die. 


       This snake at the zoo is an example of an ectotherm. An ectotherm is an animal who relies on the heat of their environment to stay warm. Ectotherms are often called cold blooded.

Different Alleles

       This is my dog, Hershey. She is a beagle, which are most commonly three different colors. This shows that there must be more than one  allele for coat color, because if there were only two she could be no more than two colors.


       The xylem is an inner layer of plants, whose basic purpose is to transport water, but it also transports some nutrients. The xylem is an inner layer of a plant, the layer out of which wood is made. This picture is of a wood beam that came from a xylem.

Unsaturated Fat

       This is a picture of peanuts. Nuts are a great example of a food that is rich in unsaturated fats. Unsaturated fats are the good, natural fats that are common in nuts and some vegetables.

Saturday, March 16, 2013


       This is a tree that had been cut down. You can see the layers of it in this picture, one of which is the phloem. The phloem is the unit in which water is transported.

Lactic Acid

       Lactic acid i found in milk, such as pictured above. In milk, lactic acid causes milk to curdle after it gets old, and it also plays a role in muscle cramps that we get as humans.


       This is a picture of oil in water. This demonstrates hydrophobia extremely well. The oil bunches together in the presence of water so that as little of it is exposed as possible.


       This bottle of wine is a perfect example of fermentation. The grapes sit for along while, and certain chemicals and such form, giving the wine its alcohol content.


       Chitin is a compound that is in the exoskeletons of insects and arachnids. This compound Helps to make the exoskeleton stronger and more durable so that the insect in protected. This picture shows ants.


       This slice of bread is a perfect example of carbohydrates. Carbohydrates, or carbs, are found in a lot of wheaty food such as pasta as well. Many diet plans advise us to cut out carbs because they are easily are stored as fat. 


       This plant, or any living thing for that matter, is a great example of ATP. Plants turn sugars into energy in the form of ATP. Animals, like us, also use ATP as their main form of energy.


       An anabolic reaction is a reaction that uses energy to build up something. This plant is a perfect example of anabolic reactions because it uses photosynthesis which builds up energy and sugars.