Sunday, February 24, 2013

Modified Stem of a Plant

       This Orchid is a perfect example of a modified stem in a plant. Most flowering plants have a stem with a flower that blooms at the top. Orchids however, have offshoots from the stem on which flowers grow. This is a modification that it has obtained

Modified Root of a Plant

       A carrot is an example of a plant with a modified root. Most plants bear fruit, or vegetables, above ground. Carrots and a few other plants have evolved to grow underground for protection and to better take advantage of the nutrients in the soil.


       These flowers, and any flowers for that matter, are an example of an angiosperm. An angiosperm is any flowering plant. Angiosperms are known as the most widespread and diverse land plant.

Bilateral Symmetry

       This leaf is an example of bilateral symmetry. There is a line in the middle of the leaf that divides it into two almost exactly symmetrical halves. Many things in nature, such as butterflies, are almost exactly symmetrical.

Monocot vs. Dicot

       These four pictures show show some of the differences between monocots and dicots. In monocots, the flower parts come on multiples of three, secondary growth is not present, and leaf veins are paralel. In dicots, flower parts come in multiples of four or five.


       Right below the large tuft of moss is lichen. Lichen is made up fungal and a photosynthetic component living together in symbiosis. Lichen is very common on all sorts of bare stone, and is extremely widespread throughout the world.

Artificial Selection

       This is a picture of my dog, but any dog would be an example of artificial selection. For centuries dogs have been bred for characteristics that please us humans. Therefore they have not been bred for survival, but for beauty and other such superficial things.

Modified Leaf of a Plant

       A cactus has no leaves at all. This is because it has evolved its leaves into spikes to protect itself from herbivores in its natural environment. Its leaves have been modified in order for it to survive better.


       Gastropods are the family that encompasses slugs snails. It is also a subclass of mollusks. Here is a snail the I found in my backyard. Most of the major organs in a snail are contained within its shell, because its soft body can not provide them adequate protection.

Homologous Structure

       Homologous structures are parts of animals that are created similarly, evidence that we all came from a common ancestor. Above is my dog's paw and my arm, both of which have similar basic bone structures. 

Seedless Vascular Plant

       The first plants originally came from the water and moved onto land. These plants had no need for roots or vascular systems. Seedless vascular plants are plants that have developed both roots and a vascular system, but still rely on water to reproduce. The most common of these plants are ferns, as pictured above.